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Site Descriptions

Site and soil conditions at each farm site



Lowlynn East

Soils are characterised at the Lowlynn site by coarse sandy loam topsoils (0-20cm) and sandy clay subsoils (>20cm). Aspect is south-facing with slope of 1-2%. Sensors are located in adjacent paddocks situated on either side of a laneway.


Lowlynn West

Soils are characterised at the Lowlynn site by coarse sandy loam topsoils (0-20cm) and sandy clay subsoils (>20cm). Aspect is south-facing with slope of 1-2%. Sensors are located in adjacent paddocks situated on either side of a laneway.



Soils are characterised at the Garangula site by sandy loam topsoils (0-30cm) and sandy clay subsoils (>30cm). Aspect is north facing with a slope of 1-2%. Paddocks are situated on opposite sides of a shallow gully.


Traralgon North

Soils are characterised at the Traralgon site by sandy clay loam topsoils (0-30cm) and sandy clay subsoils (>30cm). Aspect is north-east facing with a slope of 1%. Paddocks are adjacent to each other separated by a fenceline.

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