Murrumburrah High School’s 2nd National Treefest
In October 1993, the Murrumburrah High School hosted the 2nd National Treefest. This was an educational opportunity not only for students of the school, but for the extended community as a whole. The theme of the event explored all things trees from the ‘How, When, Where, and Why’ of tree and understory establishment, to their management, as well as bush tucker. With over 10,000 people attending, the 2nd National Treefest served to raise the level of awareness of the environment and our impacts within the Shire.
Some positive community actions as a result of the Treefest included: the Harden Shire Council commencing a roadside tree planting programme to assist in lowering rising water tables, the formation of a Towncare group tackling environmental issues in the town, primary schools starting tree and understory plantings within their own school grounds, and increased tree planting, with its associated benefits, within the rural community.

The Murrumburrah High School’s Treefest was supported by Greening Australia, Harden Murrumburrah Landcare, Landcare Australia, NSW Agriculture, Department of Land and Water Conservation, State Forests, Murrumburrah High School Staff, Harden District Rural Advisory Service, Advance Harden Murrumburrah Association and many other local organisations.
Funding was given both in kind and cash by Incitec, Monsanto, Rural Press, NSW Tree Forum, Telstra Australia, Southwest Electricity, Prime TV, ABC Radio, Harden Shire Council and NSW Farmers.