During sustained periods of drought, landholders have come to appreciate the quality and persistence of native grasses under stress compared to non-native pasture species. How we manage these pastures is therefore essential to maintaining a productive and profitable livestock industry in NSW
Getting to the root cause of pasture legume (subclover) decline in NSW
Murrumburrah High School’s 2nd National Treefest
Remnant Vegetation Management Plan
Greening the Grainbelt: Native Species Revegetation Guide for Harden
Binalong Carbon Project
Getting to the root cause of pasture legume (subclover) decline in NSW
1990 - 2005
Biological Control of Scotch Thistle and Paterson’s Curse
1994 - 1997
Sustainable Farming Systems Database
1998 - 2005
Topdressing Native Pastures with Lime
1999 - 2000
Taking Action on Subsoil Acidity in Harden
2001 -
Across the Fenceline: Real-time soil water measurements for improved crop management
2003 - 2008
Community Stream Monitoring Program: Sources of Salt in Jugiong Creek Catchment
2004 - 2009
Strategies for Improved Wheat Stubble Management
2009 - 2014
Alternative fertilisers for improved native pasture production
2015 - 2017
Yield Prophet: Matching crop inputs with potential yield in Harden
2015 - 2017
Yield Prophet: Matching crop inputs with potential yield in Harden
This project was conducted by the Binalong Landcare Group (a subgroup of HMLG), with technical support from South East Local Land Services and NSW Department of Primary Industries (DPI).